Renewing my SSL Certificate
Its that time of year again! Time to update my SSL Certificate using Let’s Encrypt!
…Its that time of year again! Time to update my SSL Certificate using Let’s Encrypt!
…When working on small scripts, or writing a document that I want converted to a different format, Ill sometimes use a program that will watch for file changes, and run a command for me automatically. Ill usually use this command to run the script to check its output, or have it convert the document so…
Sources: Fix Docker Permission Denied Issue. ArchWiki – Docker.
How to setup vim with plugins using Vim-Plug
watch in linux is used to run a reocurring command and display the output. I find it super useful when you need to follow a truncating log file. Example: To follow a log file, you can run the following command: watch “tail -n 50 output.log” Your immediate thought might be to just run tail -f…
A little while ago, I started seeing the following error message when trying to run pdflatex
to build a LaTeX presentation: