Attendance Tracker – Activity Attendances

Between the Activity, Attendance, and Attendee; there are a few pivots to help keep track of the data that is found within the relation between the main models.

Attendance Tracker – Activity Attendance Attendee Diagram – DBeaver


The attendance_attendee pivot stores if the attendee was present or not for that attendance.


The activity_attendee stores the status we normally associate with attendances – Present, Late, Absent, etc…

Import Process

When I’m importing all of the attendance records, I basically just populate the attendance_attendee table. I have model events that fire which trigger a listener that updates the activity_attendee status.

class AttendanceImport implements ToCollection

    public function collection(Collection $rows)
        $rows->each(function ($row) {


                "attendee_id" => $attendee->id,
                "attendance_id" => $attendance->id,
                "activity_id" => $attendance->activity->id,
            ], [
                "is_present" => true





AttendanceAttendee record is updated or created so is_present is true for the attendee when the attendance was taken.

class AttendanceAttendee extends Pivot
    protected $fillable = [

    protected $dispatchesEvents = [
        "saved" => AttendanceAttendeeSaved::class


AttendanceAttendee fires the AttendanceAttendeeSaved event

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [


        AttendanceAttendeeSaved::class => [

        ActivityAttendeeSaved::class => [


The EventServiceProvider watches for the AttendanceAttendeeSaved event and fires the UpdateActivityAttendanceOnAttendanceAttendee listener. A listener that updates the ActivityAttendance record status.

Thus whenever I import an attendance record, the attendee’s activity status is automatically updated!

Interested in reading more about my Attendance Tracker project? Click below for more articles!

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